Chicago: Day 3 (10/8/2018)


Xine Way
4 min readOct 9, 2018


Karen woke me up (thankfully) at 7:05-ish. I’d set an alarm for 7:00, but I didn’t notice it was set to Saturdays only. So that would’ve been bad had Karen not come by.

Her aunt made us some 蔥油蛋餅 (egg scallion pancakes) for the road. We chatted and got on the train to downtown Chicago.

Karen has to make a 1.5-hour commute three days a week. It’s a lot — 1/8 of a day spent traveling back and forth. 😟

But she kindly offered to watch our stuff as I napped on the train. We sat on the upper…



Xine Way

Aspiring librarian who writes, games, and walks on the side. Always happy to connect with writers on Medium!